Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Ansichtskarten Übersee Nordamerika USA

33.258 Artikel im Shop Prospektlager gefunden


AK Dearbourn, MI, Rouge Plant - Ford Motor Company

AK Dearbourn, MI, Rouge Plant - Ford Motor Company

7,00 €
AK Boston, MA, Trinity Church, Westminster Hotel, Art Museum, Public Library, Symphony Hall, Horticultural Hall

AK Boston, MA, Trinity Church, Westminster Hotel, Art Museum, Public Library, Symphony Hall..

7,00 €
AK Chicago, IL, Hotel Ymca, Roof Garden

AK Chicago, IL, Hotel Ymca, Roof Garden

5,00 €
AK Chicago, IL, City Hall and County Building

AK Chicago, IL, City Hall and County Building

5,00 €
AK Chicago, IL, Union Stock Yards, Rinderfarm

AK Chicago, IL, Union Stock Yards, Rinderfarm

5,00 €
AK Baltimore, MD, Preston Gardens, Ortspartie

AK Baltimore, MD, Preston Gardens, Ortspartie

5,00 €
AK St. Paul, MN, the State Capitol

AK St. Paul, MN, the State Capitol

5,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Sedona Bestern Western Rondee Swimming Pool

AK / Ansichtskarte Sedona Bestern Western Rondee Swimming Pool

5,00 €
[Ansichtskarte] USA - CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO, SEA WORLD, Japanese Ama, Japanese Pearl Diver.

[Ansichtskarte] USA - CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO, SEA WORLD, Japanese Ama, Japanese Pearl Diver.

3,00 €
[Ansichtskarte] USA - CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO, SEA WORLD, Japanese Ama Diver, Pearl Diving in the japanese Village.

[Ansichtskarte] USA CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO, SEA WORLD, Japanese Ama Diver, Pearl Diving in the..

3,00 €
AK Detroit, MI, Hotel Statler

AK Detroit, MI, Hotel Statler

5,00 €
AK Detroit, MI, Eaton Tower by Illumination

AK Detroit, MI, Eaton Tower by Illumination

5,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW YORK City USA Panorama

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW YORK City USA Panorama

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  CHICAGO  Illinois USA Michigan Avenue Looking North from Grant Park

AK / Ansichtskarte CHICAGO Illinois USA Michigan Avenue Looking North from Grant Park

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Mauch Chunk Jim Thorpe Pennsylvania USA Bear Mountain

AK / Ansichtskarte Mauch Chunk Jim Thorpe Pennsylvania USA Bear Mountain

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Hartford Connecticut USA Colts Memorial

AK / Ansichtskarte Hartford Connecticut USA Colts Memorial

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Denver Colorado Denver's dynamic skyline Mile High City

AK / Ansichtskarte Denver Colorado Denver's dynamic skyline Mile High City

5,00 €
AK Pleasantville, NY, NYC & HRR Depot, train station

AK Pleasantville, NY, NYC & HRR Depot, train station

17,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Cheyenne Wyoming Union Pacific Depot

AK / Ansichtskarte Cheyenne Wyoming Union Pacific Depot

9,80 €
AK Lawton, MI, High School Building

AK Lawton, MI, High School Building

7,00 €
AK Allentown, PA, Carmelite Monastery

AK Allentown, PA, Carmelite Monastery

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Bowling Alles, Central Young Men`s Christian Association, Brooklyn

AK New York, NY, Bowling Alles, Central Young Men`s Christian Association, Brooklyn

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Skyline and Steamers

AK New York, NY, Skyline and Steamers

7,00 €
AK Jamestown, NY, James Prendergast Free Library

AK Jamestown, NY, James Prendergast Free Library

7,00 €
AK North Attleboro, MA, North Washington Street

AK North Attleboro, MA, North Washington Street

7,00 €
AK Troy, PA, Mt. Pisgah, The stone cabin and the tower

AK Troy, PA, Mt. Pisgah, The stone cabin and the tower

7,00 €
AK Chattanooga, TN, Lookout Mtn. Hotel

AK Chattanooga, TN, Lookout Mtn. Hotel

7,00 €
AK North East Harbor, ME, Main Street looking West

AK North East Harbor, ME, Main Street looking West

7,00 €
AK Rye, NY, View in Purchase Street

AK Rye, NY, View in Purchase Street

7,00 €
AK Portland, ME, Congress Square

AK Portland, ME, Congress Square

7,00 €
AK Boston, MA, Tremont Street

AK Boston, MA, Tremont Street

7,00 €
AK Haverhill, MA, Whittier and the Birthplace

AK Haverhill, MA, Whittier and the Birthplace

7,00 €
AK Clear Lake, IA, Motel Clear Lake

AK Clear Lake, IA, Motel Clear Lake

7,00 €
AK St. Paul, MN, St. Joseph`s Hospital

AK St. Paul, MN, St. Joseph`s Hospital

7,00 €
AK Pinehurst, NC, Bargain Day

AK Pinehurst, NC, Bargain Day

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Skyline and Steamers

AK New York, NY, Skyline and Steamers

7,00 €
AK Manchester by the Sea, MA, Town Hall

AK Manchester by the Sea, MA, Town Hall

7,00 €
AK St. Louis, MO, The Dispensary, Medical Department and Washington University

AK St. Louis, MO, The Dispensary, Medical Department and Washington University

7,00 €
AK Madison, NJ, Main Street

AK Madison, NJ, Main Street

7,00 €
AK Huntington, VA, Third Ave. looking West from 10th Street

AK Huntington, VA, Third Ave. looking West from 10th Street

7,00 €
AK Lakeland, FL, US Post Office

AK Lakeland, FL, US Post Office

7,00 €
AK Skowhegan, ME, Lakewood Theatre

AK Skowhegan, ME, Lakewood Theatre

7,00 €
AK Hollywood, CA, Japanese Gardens

AK Hollywood, CA, Japanese Gardens

7,00 €
AK East Hampton, NY, House and Windmill

AK East Hampton, NY, House and Windmill

7,00 €
AK East Windsor Hill, CT, Main Street

AK East Windsor Hill, CT, Main Street

7,00 €
AK Ithaca, NY, Fall Creek Gorge and Old Power House

AK Ithaca, NY, Fall Creek Gorge and Old Power House

7,00 €
AK Buffalo, NY, Harbor Scene

AK Buffalo, NY, Harbor Scene

7,00 €
AK Laconia, NH, Masonic Building and Post Office

AK Laconia, NH, Masonic Building and Post Office

7,00 €
AK Boston, MA, Old Colonial Doorways on Beacon Hill

AK Boston, MA, Old Colonial Doorways on Beacon Hill

7,00 €
AK South Sudbury, MA, Grist Mill Wayside Inn

AK South Sudbury, MA, Grist Mill Wayside Inn

7,00 €
AK Eastham, MA, State Road

AK Eastham, MA, State Road

7,00 €
AK Philadelphia, PA, Broad Street

AK Philadelphia, PA, Broad Street

7,00 €
AK Oskaloosa, IA, Post Office

AK Oskaloosa, IA, Post Office

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, New County Court House

AK New York, NY, New County Court House

7,00 €
AK Columbia River Highway, OR, Vista House and Gorge Scene

AK Columbia River Highway, OR, Vista House and Gorge Scene

7,00 €
AK Newark, NJ, Prudential Building

AK Newark, NJ, Prudential Building

7,00 €
AK Passaic, NJ, Paulison Ave.

AK Passaic, NJ, Paulison Ave.

7,00 €
AK Trinidad, CO, Gardenas Hotel und Santa Fe Depot

AK Trinidad, CO, Gardenas Hotel und Santa Fe Depot

7,00 €
AK Boston, Tremont Street showing King`s Chapel

AK Boston, Tremont Street showing King`s Chapel

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Far Rockaway Boulevard

AK New York, NY, Far Rockaway Boulevard

7,00 €
AK New York, NY, Columbia University

AK New York, NY, Columbia University

7,00 €
AK Paterson, NJ, Alexander Hamilton Hotel

AK Paterson, NJ, Alexander Hamilton Hotel

7,00 €
AK Weehawken, NJ, The Boulevard Loop

AK Weehawken, NJ, The Boulevard Loop

7,00 €
AK Colorado Springs, CO, Old Depot Square

AK Colorado Springs, CO, Old Depot Square

7,00 €
AK Hartford, CT, V. M. C. A. Fountain and Arch

AK Hartford, CT, V. M. C. A. Fountain and Arch

7,00 €
AK White Sulphur Springs, VA, The Greenbrier

AK White Sulphur Springs, VA, The Greenbrier

7,00 €
AK St. Augustine, FL, Front Entrance to Ponce de Leon Hotel

AK St. Augustine, FL, Front Entrance to Ponce de Leon Hotel

7,00 €
AK Detroit, MI, Electric Parc

AK Detroit, MI, Electric Parc

7,00 €
AK Ayer, MA, Division Headquarters at Camp Devens

AK Ayer, MA, Division Headquarters at Camp Devens

7,00 €
AK Adrian, MI, Central High School

AK Adrian, MI, Central High School

7,00 €
AK Holyoke, MA, Springdale and Willimansett from Elmwood

AK Holyoke, MA, Springdale and Willimansett from Elmwood

7,00 €
AK Los Angeles, CA, The Ambassador Hotel

AK Los Angeles, CA, The Ambassador Hotel

7,00 €
AK Los Angeles, CA, The Coconut Grove at Ambassador Hotel

AK Los Angeles, CA, The Coconut Grove at Ambassador Hotel

7,00 €
AK Amherst, MA, Pratt Dormitory at Amherst College

AK Amherst, MA, Pratt Dormitory at Amherst College

7,00 €
AK Haddonfield, NJ, The Indian King

AK Haddonfield, NJ, The Indian King

7,00 €
AK Wildwood, NJ, Ocean Pier

AK Wildwood, NJ, Ocean Pier

7,00 €
AK Lowell, MA, Textile School

AK Lowell, MA, Textile School

7,00 €
AK Port Ewen, NY, The Old Revolutionary House

AK Port Ewen, NY, The Old Revolutionary House

7,00 €
AK Memphis, TN, Desolation

AK Memphis, TN, Desolation

7,00 €
AK Poultney, Humphrey Blick and World War Memorial

AK Poultney, Humphrey Blick and World War Memorial

7,00 €
AK New Orleans, LA, Steamer loading cotton

AK New Orleans, LA, Steamer loading cotton

7,00 €
AK Evanston, IL, Davis Street looking East

AK Evanston, IL, Davis Street looking East

7,00 €
AK Terre Haute, IN, Terre Haute House

AK Terre Haute, IN, Terre Haute House

7,00 €
AK Upland, PA, Sixth Street

AK Upland, PA, Sixth Street

7,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  NEW YORK City USA Park Sheraton Hotel Illustration

AK / Ansichtskarte NEW YORK City USA Park Sheraton Hotel Illustration

5,00 €
AK Audubon, NJ, White Horse Pike looking South

AK Audubon, NJ, White Horse Pike looking South

7,00 €
AK Audubon, NJ, High School

AK Audubon, NJ, High School

7,00 €
AK Elizabeth, NJ, Edward Clark Club House

AK Elizabeth, NJ, Edward Clark Club House

7,00 €
AK Detroit, MI, Capitol Square Park

AK Detroit, MI, Capitol Square Park

7,00 €
AK Detroit, MI, Log cabin in Palmer Park

AK Detroit, MI, Log cabin in Palmer Park

7,00 €
AK Elberon, NJ, Firenze and the Home of Daniel Gugenheim

AK Elberon, NJ, Firenze and the Home of Daniel Gugenheim

7,00 €
AK Elberon, NJ, Mary Guggeheim Residence, Ocean Avenue

AK Elberon, NJ, Mary Guggeheim Residence, Ocean Avenue

7,00 €
AK Long Branch, NJ, Firenze Residence of Dan Guggenheim

AK Long Branch, NJ, Firenze Residence of Dan Guggenheim

7,00 €
AK Great Salt Lake, UT, Entrance to Pavilion

AK Great Salt Lake, UT, Entrance to Pavilion

7,00 €
AK Chicago, IL, White City Entrance

AK Chicago, IL, White City Entrance

7,00 €
AK Holyoke, MA, Summit House on Mt. Tom

AK Holyoke, MA, Summit House on Mt. Tom

7,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96

Antike Ansichtskarten aus den USA von New York bis Los Angeles

Die USA sind für viele Menschen ein Sehnsuchtsland, was auch die große Menge alte Ansichtskarten zeigt. Gelaufene und ungelaufene Karten wurden als Reiseerinnerung und Gruß aus dem Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten verschickt oder mitgebracht.

Sammlerstücke aus allen 50 Bundesstaaten: alte Ansichtskarten der USA

Wegen der großen Menge an Ansichtskarten aus den USA lässt sich die Entwicklung des nordamerikanischen Landes über dieses Medium ideal nachverfolgen. Sehenswürdigkeiten und Alltagsszenen aus allen 50 Bundesstaaten der USA werden auf unseren alten Ansichtskarten dargestellt. Palmenstrände im Florida der 1960er Jahre können Sie auf antiken Ansichtskarten genauso bewundern wie Casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, oder Kunstwerke aus Kalifornien.

Historische Postkarten aus New York

Eine besondere Faszination übt New York City aus, weshalb Sie bei uns viele Ansichtskarten der Ostküsten-Metropole finden. Darauf sind berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Rockefeller Center oder das Empire State Building im Wandel der Zeit zu sehen. Doch Ansichtskarten aus New York bieten noch viel mehr, denn sie zeigen Ihnen Motive des gesamten Bundesstaates.

Lassen Sie sich von ländlichen Motiven aus Kleinstädten verzaubern und bewundern Sie Postkarten aus New York mit Naturszenen beliebter Seen und Wälder wie beispielsweise dem Green Lake.