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355 Artikel gefunden


Mitchell, Jack: Scottish steel and Irish fire. (Heft 1 und 2: More Poems. East African Journal.) 3 Hefte.

Mitchell, Jack: Scottish steel and Irish fire. (Heft 1 und 2: More Poems. East African Journal.) 3..

10,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Kumar, Krishan: The rise of a modern society. Aspects of the social and political  - Aspects of the social and political development of the west.

Kumar, Krishan: The rise of a modern society. Aspects of the social and political Aspects of the..

10,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Robinson, Beverley: Let`s be Gay!.

Robinson, Beverley: Let`s be Gay!.

9,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Knox, James: Airdie Bards Past and Present - issued by the Airdrie Burns Club.

Knox, James: Airdie Bards Past and Present - issued by the Airdrie Burns Club.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Croft, Andy: Letter to Randall Swingler.

Croft, Andy: Letter to Randall Swingler.

8,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Smith, Dai (editor): Writers world: Gwyn Thomas. 1913-1981.

Smith, Dai (editor): Writers world: Gwyn Thomas. 1913-1981.

11,45 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Campbell, Thomas C. and Yoshio Fukuyama: The fragmented layman. - An empirical study of lay attitudes.

Campbell, Thomas C. and Yoshio Fukuyama: The fragmented layman. An empirical study of lay..

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Stratton, Harry: To Anti-Facism by taxi.

Stratton, Harry: To Anti-Facism by taxi.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Robinson, Beverley: The red lion. A re-assessment of the leader of the Tomists of Kent - Sir William Courteny/John Nichols Tom, killed in Bossenden Wood, 1838.

Robinson, Beverley: The red lion. A re assessment of the leader of the Tomists of Kent Sir..

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Dutson, William: Poems of working class life.

Dutson, William: Poems of working class life.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Armstrong, Keith (editor): 81 The first edition of the East Durham Writer's workshop - An anthology.

Armstrong, Keith (editor): 81 The first edition of the East Durham Writer's workshop An..

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Alexander, K.F. (Chairman) u.a: Contributions to Plasma Physics (volume 28 4/5, 30 1, 31 2, 32 3-4) - International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices 26-30 April 1988 Augustusburg (GDR) Volume 28,  1988, Number 4-5, Second International Wor

Alexander, K.F. (Chairman) u.a: Contributions to Plasma Physics (volume 28 4/5, 30 1, 31 2, 32 3..

11,45 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Gibson, A. and G. Grieger, F.C. Schüller, D.C. Robinson (Editors): Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (volumes 26 1A, 28 1A, 32 11, 33 13)..

Gibson, A. and G. Grieger, F.C. Schüller, D.C. Robinson (Editors): Plasma Physics and Controlled..

11,45 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Croft, Andy: Nowhere Special.

Croft, Andy: Nowhere Special.

8,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Urnowa, D. M. (Hg): The Idea of Literature - The Foundations of English Criticism.

Urnowa, D. M. (Hg): The Idea of Literature - The Foundations of English Criticism.

8,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
McGuckian, Medbh: The Flower Master.

McGuckian, Medbh: The Flower Master.

8,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Gomez, Marta Eugenia Rodriguez: English Literature. Tomo II (A selection of readings and essays).

Gomez, Marta Eugenia Rodriguez: English Literature. Tomo II (A selection of readings and essays).

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Glanville, Brian: The Bankrupts. A novel.

Glanville, Brian: The Bankrupts. A novel.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Waten, Judah: Season of Youth.

Waten, Judah: Season of Youth.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Barrett, Kathleen: Artist in Residence. Drawings and Paintings - made in rehearsals and production workshops during the Stratford-upon-Avon season.

Barrett, Kathleen: Artist in Residence. Drawings and Paintings made in rehearsals and production..

11,45 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Worpole, Ken und Alastair Haines: magic and transformation. A view of the arts in the south.

Worpole, Ken und Alastair Haines: magic and transformation. A view of the arts in the south.

11,45 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Forschungszentrum Jülich: Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices.

Forschungszentrum Jülich: Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Sommerfield, John: May day.

Sommerfield, John: May day.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Wilde, Oscar: The Picture of Dorian Gray. - The International Theatre Company London presents.

Wilde, Oscar: The Picture of Dorian Gray. - The International Theatre Company London presents.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Gwilt, Rick (editor): Voices. Working class stories and poems. 5 issues: 15,17,18, 22, 23.

Gwilt, Rick (editor): Voices. Working class stories and poems. 5 issues: 15,17,18, 22, 23.

12,45 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Hendry, Joy (editor): Chapman 50-51, Vol. 10. Special features on Naomi Mitchison and Alasdair Gray.

Hendry, Joy (editor): Chapman 50 51, Vol. 10. Special features on Naomi Mitchison and Alasdair..

8,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Mitchell, Renate Zemke: Children of the workers.

Mitchell, Renate Zemke: Children of the workers.

8,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Jones, Maurice (editor): Against all the odds.

Jones, Maurice (editor): Against all the odds.

8,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Beavis, Dick: What price happiness? My life from coal hewer to shop steward.

Beavis, Dick: What price happiness? My life from coal hewer to shop steward.

8,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Ford, Connie M: The Crimson Wing. A book of political verse.

Ford, Connie M: The Crimson Wing. A book of political verse.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Warner-Vieyra, Myriam: Juletane.

Warner-Vieyra, Myriam: Juletane.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Linton, Alice: Not Expecting Miracles.

Linton, Alice: Not Expecting Miracles.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Ministere des Travaux Publics des Transports et du Tourisme, Direction Generale de Tourisme (Herausgeber): What Is France.

Ministere des Travaux Publics des Transports et du Tourisme, Direction Generale de Tourisme..

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
nottingham drama texts (editors): 20th century - Unity theatre Busmen - living newspaper from America One third of a nation.

nottingham drama texts (editors): 20th century Unity theatre Busmen living newspaper from..

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Gamble, Sarah: Angela Carter - Writing from the Font Line.

Gamble, Sarah: Angela Carter - Writing from the Font Line.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Whitfield, Wendy (introduction): Clout! The story behind the bruises - written and illustrated by Ann, Amy, Kate, Jean, Jane, Anne, Julia, Betty, Kelly, Stella, Kathy and Christine and their children.

Whitfield, Wendy (introduction): Clout! The story behind the bruises written and illustrated by..

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Dutson, Bill: Poems by Bill Dutson.

Dutson, Bill: Poems by Bill Dutson.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
IAEA: IAEA inspections and Iraq's nuclear capabilities.

IAEA: IAEA inspections and Iraq's nuclear capabilities.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Barke, James: Bonnie Jean - a novel.

Barke, James: Bonnie Jean - a novel.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Weedon, Chris: Identity and Culture - Narratives of Difference and Belonging.

Weedon, Chris: Identity and Culture - Narratives of Difference and Belonging.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Cronin, A: The Green Years.

Cronin, A: The Green Years.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Marshall, Alan: Wild Red Horses - short stories.

Marshall, Alan: Wild Red Horses - short stories.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Gibbon, Lewis Grassic: The Speak of the Mearns.

Gibbon, Lewis Grassic: The Speak of the Mearns.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Goulet, Denis: An New Moral Order - Studies in Development Ethics and Liberation Theology.

Goulet, Denis: An New Moral Order - Studies in Development Ethics and Liberation Theology.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Tilsley, Frank: Voice of the Crowd.

Tilsley, Frank: Voice of the Crowd.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Reeves, Maud Pember: Round about a Pound a Week - The best-selling book on working-class life.

Reeves, Maud Pember: Round about a Pound a Week - The best-selling book on working-class life.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Jordan, Glenn: Tramp Steamers, Seamen & Sailor Town - Jack Sullivan's Paintings of old Cardiff Docklands.

Jordan, Glenn: Tramp Steamers, Seamen & Sailor Town Jack Sullivan's Paintings of old Cardiff..

11,45 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Kaplan, Cora: Sea changes. Essays on Culture and feminism.

Kaplan, Cora: Sea changes. Essays on Culture and feminism.

7,75 €
Fr, 27. Sep bis Sa, 05. Okt
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96