guter bis sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Schutzumschlag gering defekt, FISH NUTRITION, DISEASES, GROWTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS - Gordin, H., F. Motzkin, W.L. Hughes-Games and C. Porter. Seawater mariculture pond - an integrated system - Porter, C. Cage culture of gillhead bream (Sparus aurata) at an exposed site on the Red Sea - Grave, H. Netcage culture under extreme hydrographical and meteorological conditions - Gropp, J. and K. Tiews. Aspects of fish nutrition research in aquaculture - Kissil, G.W. Known nutritional requirements of the gillhead bream (Sparus aurata) in culture - Rimon, A. and M. Shilo. Limits to intensification of fish breeding - Peters, G., H. Klinger and H. Delventhal. Diagnosis of stress in the European eel - Bejerano, J. and S. Sarig. Stress-induced infection of Serotherodon aureus under laboratory conditions - Paperna, J., A. Colorni, B. Ross and B. Colorni. Diseases of marine fish cultured in Eilat Mariculture project based at the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea - PRODUCTION OF LIVE FOOD FOR FISH FARMING - Uhlig, G. Microfauna food organisms for Mariculture - Kahan, D. and M. Azoury. Laboratory cultivation of Nitocra spinipes Boeck from the solar pond (Gulf of Aqaba-Red Sea - Nellen, W., G. Quantz, U. Witt, D. Kuhlmann and P.H. Koske. Marine fish rearing on the base of an artificial food chain - Ben-Amotz, A. and H. Rosenthal. Cryopreservation of marine unicellular algae and early life stages of fish for use in mariculture - Lubzens, E. Rotifer resting eggs and their application to marine aquaculture - BREEDING AND CONTROLLED REPRODUCTION OF AQUACULTURE SPECIES - Hulata, G., S. Rothbard and G. Wohlfarth. Genetic approach to the production of all-male progeny of Tilapia - Villwock, W. Selected aspects of fish genetics - Abraham, M. The blood-spermatozoa barries in Teleostei and its possible significance for aquaculture - Eckstein, B. and R. Azoury. Steroid production in the ovary of the grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) during gonadal development - Hilge, V. Some aspects on recent development in the research on fish reproduction - Tandler, A. and R. Sherman. Food organism concentration, environmental temperature and survival of the gill-head bream (Sparus aurata) larvae - Neudecker, T. Sex determination and maturation of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) of the German coast - TRENDS IN AQUACULTURE RESEARCH - Lillelund, K. Scientific problems in aquaculture research: a German view - Wohlfahrt, G. Trends in aquaculture development - Tiews, K. Closing address, kartoniert, ca. 16,5 x 23, 277 Seiten