Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Literatur & Belletristik: Fremdsprachige Bücher - Englisch

1.064 Artikel gefunden


The sound of your life - A record of Radio's first generation.

The sound of your life - A record of Radio's first generation.

8,90 €
Morris, Lewis: Songs of two Worlds - aus der Reihe: The poetical works of Lewis Morris - Band: volume one.

Morris, Lewis: Songs of two Worlds aus der Reihe: The poetical works of Lewis Morris Band:..

8,90 €
The World Fellowship Committe of the Young Women's Christian Association of Tokyo: Japanese Etiquette - An Introduction.

The World Fellowship Committe of the Young Women's Christian Association of Tokyo: Japanese..

8,90 €
Rebischung, James: Japan - The Facts of Modern Business and Social Life.

Rebischung, James: Japan - The Facts of Modern Business and Social Life.

8,90 €
Mirzoeff, Nicholas: Bodyscape - Art, modernity and the ideal figure.

Mirzoeff, Nicholas: Bodyscape - Art, modernity and the ideal figure.

8,90 €
Franco, Jean: Plotting woman - Gender et representation in Mexico.

Franco, Jean: Plotting woman - Gender et representation in Mexico.

8,90 €
High, Peter B: An outline of American Literature.

High, Peter B: An outline of American Literature.

8,90 €
Boland, Eavan: The journey and other poems.

Boland, Eavan: The journey and other poems.

8,90 €
Mitchell, Jack: Scottish steel and Irish fire. (Heft 1 und 2: More Poems. East African Journal.) 3 Hefte.

Mitchell, Jack: Scottish steel and Irish fire. (Heft 1 und 2: More Poems. East African Journal.) 3..

8,90 €
Kumar, Krishan: The rise of a modern society. Aspects of the social and political  - Aspects of the social and political development of the west.

Kumar, Krishan: The rise of a modern society. Aspects of the social and political Aspects of the..

8,90 €
Croft, Andy: Letter to Randall Swingler.

Croft, Andy: Letter to Randall Swingler.

8,90 €
Croft, Andy: Nowhere Special.

Croft, Andy: Nowhere Special.

8,90 €
Urnowa, D. M. (Hg): The Idea of Literature - The Foundations of English Criticism.

Urnowa, D. M. (Hg): The Idea of Literature - The Foundations of English Criticism.

8,90 €
McGuckian, Medbh: The Flower Master.

McGuckian, Medbh: The Flower Master.

8,90 €
Hendry, Joy (editor): Chapman 50-51, Vol. 10. Special features on Naomi Mitchison and Alasdair Gray.

Hendry, Joy (editor): Chapman 50 51, Vol. 10. Special features on Naomi Mitchison and Alasdair..

8,90 €
Mitchell, Renate Zemke: Children of the workers.

Mitchell, Renate Zemke: Children of the workers.

8,90 €
Jones, Maurice (editor): Against all the odds.

Jones, Maurice (editor): Against all the odds.

8,90 €
Beavis, Dick: What price happiness? My life from coal hewer to shop steward.

Beavis, Dick: What price happiness? My life from coal hewer to shop steward.

8,90 €
Shaw, Bob: A Wreath of Stars.

Shaw, Bob: A Wreath of Stars.

8,50 €
The Making of Judge Dredd - In the Future, One Man ist the Law

The Making of Judge Dredd - In the Future, One Man ist the Law

8,50 €
Marcus, Hans (Hrsg.) / Lindsay, Martin / Gade, H. (Hrsg.) / Schultze, Heimo Manfred (Hrsg.): Traits of English Humour. (Neusprachlicher Lesebogen Nr. 246) / The Epic of Captain Scott (Neusprachlicher Lesebogen Nr. 282) / Sozial Problems in the English Nov

Marcus, Hans (Hrsg.) / Lindsay, Martin / Gade, H. (Hrsg.) / Schultze, Heimo Manfred (Hrsg.): Traits..

8,00 €
Green Lantern plus The Ray # 1

Green Lantern plus The Ray # 1

8,00 €
The Last Leaves Falling

The Last Leaves Falling

8,00 €
The Handy Volume Shakespeare. Vol. X: Othello, The Moor of Venice, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens

The Handy Volume Shakespeare. Vol. X: Othello, The Moor of Venice, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens

8,00 €
The Devil's Wedding and Other Legends about Tallinn

The Devil's Wedding and Other Legends about Tallinn

8,00 €
The Club

The Club

8,00 €
Tess of the D'Urbervilles - A pure Woman

Tess of the D'Urbervilles - A pure Woman

8,00 €
Respecting Human Rights in Romania: roma citizens of the state of law. Annual Report 2003

Respecting Human Rights in Romania: roma citizens of the state of law. Annual Report 2003

8,00 €
Our Revolution - A Future to Believe in

Our Revolution - A Future to Believe in

8,00 €
O Sing unto the Lord - A History of English Church Music

O Sing unto the Lord - A History of English Church Music

8,00 €
Mr. Happy

Mr. Happy

8,00 €
Julius Winsome - A Novel

Julius Winsome - A Novel

8,00 €
Jewish Resistance in Germany -The Facts and the Problems

Jewish Resistance in Germany -The Facts and the Problems

8,00 €
HarperCollins College Outline - Introduction to Economics

HarperCollins College Outline - Introduction to Economics

8,00 €
Going the Heart's Way. Silence, Space and Stillness in our Day

Going the Heart's Way. Silence, Space and Stillness in our Day

8,00 €
Discount Armageddon

Discount Armageddon

8,00 €
BULLETIN of the Arnold and Leona Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research No. 9 - September 2000 / Ellul 5760

BULLETIN of the Arnold and Leona Finkler Institute of Holocaust Research No. 9 September 2000 /..

8,00 €
Assitej Annual - Yearbook of Theatre for Children and Young People 1998/99

Assitej Annual - Yearbook of Theatre for Children and Young People 1998/99

8,00 €
American Spy

American Spy

8,00 €
Teng Hsiao-Ping a political biography

Teng Hsiao-Ping a political biography

8,00 €
DC Green Lantern Annual 2 1993 - Bloodlines Outbreak

DC Green Lantern Annual 2 1993 - Bloodlines Outbreak

8,00 €
Martha Evans Martin: The Friendly Stars.

Martha Evans Martin: The Friendly Stars.

8,00 €
Doris Lessing: African Stories.

Doris Lessing: African Stories.

8,00 €
Shaw, Irwin: Retreat.

Shaw, Irwin: Retreat.

8,00 €
Arthur Koestler: Arrival and Departure.

Arthur Koestler: Arrival and Departure.

8,00 €
Fay Weldon: The Bulgari Connection.

Fay Weldon: The Bulgari Connection.

8,00 €
White, Patrick: A Fringe of Leaves.

White, Patrick: A Fringe of Leaves.

8,00 €
Ben Shephard: After Daybreak. The Liberation of Belsen, 1945.

Ben Shephard: After Daybreak. The Liberation of Belsen, 1945.

8,00 €