Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Varia: Zoo & Zooführer: unsortiert

4.245 Artikel gefunden


Bilder und Skizzen aus dem zoologischen Garten zu Hamburg.

Bilder und Skizzen aus dem zoologischen Garten zu Hamburg.

125,50 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 38, Zoo Challenges.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 38, Zoo Challenges.

125,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 35,  Felids.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 35, Felids.

117,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 33,  Aquatic Birds.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 33, Aquatic Birds.

109,50 €
Reference sections of the International Zoo Yearbook; offprint, vol 14-31.

Reference sections of the International Zoo Yearbook; offprint, vol 14-31.

100,00 €
Dinny's Digest, 45 Hefte von Summer 1979 bis Winter 1994 (inclusive Annual Report 1979 und 1980).

Dinny's Digest, 45 Hefte von Summer 1979 bis Winter 1994 (inclusive Annual Report 1979 und 1980).

90,00 €
The First 21 Years The Singapore Zoological Garden Story.

The First 21 Years The Singapore Zoological Garden Story.

80,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 31,  Australasian Fauna.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 31, Australasian Fauna.

80,00 €
Guide Book (Zeichnung Riesenpanda), mit Faltplan.

Guide Book (Zeichnung Riesenpanda), mit Faltplan.

80,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 30,  Invertebrates.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 30, Invertebrates.

80,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol III, Small Mammals in Captivity and New Developments in the Zoo World.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol III, Small Mammals in Captivity and New Developments in the Zoo..

80,00 €
Second Nature. Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals.

Second Nature. Environmental Enrichment for Captive Animals.

76,50 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 28,  Reptiles and Amphibians.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 28, Reptiles and Amphibians.

70,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 4, Aquatic Exhibits in Zoos and Aquaria - reprint v. 1971.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 4, Aquatic Exhibits in Zoos and Aquaria - reprint v. 1971.

70,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 30,  Invertebrates.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 30, Invertebrates.

66,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 27,  Conservation Science and Zoos.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 27, Conservation Science and Zoos.

65,00 €
Tynehead - A program for the Development of Tynehead Zoological Gardens.

Tynehead - A program for the Development of Tynehead Zoological Gardens.

65,00 €
Les Carnets de Zoologie - Vol 3 ; Vol. X ; Vol. XI 1,2 und 4 ; Vol XII ; Vol XIII ; Vol. XIV ; Vol XV ; Vol XVI.

Les Carnets de Zoologie Vol 3 ; Vol. X ; Vol. XI 1,2 und 4 ; Vol XII ; Vol XIII ; Vol..

60,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 26,  Aquatic Exhibits.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 26, Aquatic Exhibits.

60,00 €
News and Guide, Jan. - December 1979 (komplett).

News and Guide, Jan. - December 1979 (komplett).

60,00 €
News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1975 (komplett).

News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1975 (komplett).

60,00 €
News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1971 (komplett).

News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1971 (komplett).

60,00 €
News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1970 (komplett).

News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1970 (komplett).

60,00 €
News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1968 (komplett).

News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1968 (komplett).

60,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 37, Psittacines.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 37, Psittacines.

60,00 €
Pedigree Book of the Przewalski Horses 1969-77 (9 Bände in einem Band gebunden).

Pedigree Book of the Przewalski Horses 1969-77 (9 Bände in einem Band gebunden).

60,00 €
Waters- Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium  - Vol. 2, No. 1-4, (including No.2 "Vancouver's Waterfowl" and No.3 "Coping with Stardom"); Paketpreis 60,00€. Einzelpreis 25,00€.

Waters Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium Vol. 2, No. 1 4, (including No.2 "Vancouver's..

60,00 €
Waters- Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium  - Vol. 1, No. 1-4, (including No.2 "Commemorating the Aquarium's 20th Anniversary and No.3 "The Story of Crabs"); Paketpreis 60,00€. Einzelpreis 20,00€.

Waters Journal of the Vancouver Aquarium Vol. 1, No. 1 4, (including No.2 "Commemorating the..

60,00 €
Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 9 und 10 Icteridae; Tersinidae - Thraupidae; Zoological Series Vol.13, Part 9.

Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 9 und 10 Icteridae; Tersinidae..

60,00 €
News and Guide, Jan. - December 1977 (komplett).

News and Guide, Jan. - December 1977 (komplett).

60,00 €
News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1976 (komplett).

News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1976 (komplett).

60,00 €
News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1973 (komplett).

News and Guide, Jan.-Dec. 1973 (komplett).

60,00 €
Abenteuer Zoo. 600 Tierparks, Aquarien und Reptilienhäuser - Der Zooführer für Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. 2. Auflage.

Abenteuer Zoo. 600 Tierparks, Aquarien und Reptilienhäuser Der Zooführer für Deutschland..

59,90 €
Jordi Sabater Pi, Illustrated animals from Barcelona Zoo, (1.edition).

Jordi Sabater Pi, Illustrated animals from Barcelona Zoo, (1.edition).

58,00 €
Wybieg : Opowiesc o warszawskim zoo w czasie il wojny swiatowej (Comic).

Wybieg : Opowiesc o warszawskim zoo w czasie il wojny swiatowej (Comic).

57,00 €
Auf der Spur des Löwen - 125 Jahre Zoo Leipzig.

Auf der Spur des Löwen - 125 Jahre Zoo Leipzig.

55,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 29,  Horticulture in Zoos.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 29, Horticulture in Zoos.

55,00 €
Zoological Park and Aquarium Fundamentals.

Zoological Park and Aquarium Fundamentals.

50,00 €
Popular Official Guide (Bison) 10th edition, completely revised and extended.

Popular Official Guide (Bison) 10th edition, completely revised and extended.

50,00 €
Physical Inventory 2000.

Physical Inventory 2000.

50,00 €
Physical Inventory 1999.

Physical Inventory 1999.

50,00 €
Physical Inventory 1998.

Physical Inventory 1998.

50,00 €
Portraits of the Zoo.

Portraits of the Zoo.

50,00 €
Tiergarten Schönbrunn: Zoo der glücklichen Tiere - Österreichs magischer Kraftort.

Tiergarten Schönbrunn: Zoo der glücklichen Tiere - Österreichs magischer Kraftort.

49,00 €
Apen en Beren op de drentse hei. Verhalen over Dierenpark Emmen.

Apen en Beren op de drentse hei. Verhalen over Dierenpark Emmen.

48,00 €
Zoo: A History of Zoological Gardens in the West.

Zoo: A History of Zoological Gardens in the West.

46,00 €
125 Jahre Zoologischer Garten Wuppertal.

125 Jahre Zoologischer Garten Wuppertal.

45,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 24/25,  Breeding endangered Species in Captivity.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 24/25, Breeding endangered Species in Captivity.

45,00 €
Vogelpracht in Avifauna - 3 Bände komplett.

Vogelpracht in Avifauna - 3 Bände komplett.

45,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1995/96 (2 Jahrgänge in einem Band gebunden).

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1995/96 (2 Jahrgänge in einem Band gebunden).

45,00 €
Memorias del Jardin Zoologico por Carlos A. Marelli, Tomo VII (1936-1937).

Memorias del Jardin Zoologico por Carlos A. Marelli, Tomo VII (1936-1937).

45,00 €
Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 11 Ploceidae - Catamblyrhynchidae - Fringillidae Zoological Series Vol.13, Part 11.

Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 11 Ploceidae..

44,00 €
What Zoos Can Do. The Leading Zoological Gardens of Europe 2010-2020.

What Zoos Can Do. The Leading Zoological Gardens of Europe 2010-2020.

43,90 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1995 - Gesamtbestand.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1995 - Gesamtbestand.

40,00 €
The Making of Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park.

The Making of Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park.

40,00 €
Mensch und Tier im Zoo: Tiergartenbiologie.

Mensch und Tier im Zoo: Tiergartenbiologie.

40,00 €
EAZA Yearbook 2005.

EAZA Yearbook 2005.

40,00 €
The First Fifty Years - an informal history of the Detroit Zoological Park and the Detroit Zoological Society.

The First Fifty Years an informal history of the Detroit Zoological Park and the Detroit..

40,00 €
Glückstag am Augsburger Friedensfest, Aktionsheft des Augsburger Zoos.

Glückstag am Augsburger Friedensfest, Aktionsheft des Augsburger Zoos.

40,00 €
Jordi Sabater Pi, Illustrated animals from Barcelona Zoo, 2.edition.

Jordi Sabater Pi, Illustrated animals from Barcelona Zoo, 2.edition.

40,00 €
Zeitschrift für Bauwesen. Jahrgang X, Heft X bis XII (Eine Seite über den Bau des Hauses für die Elephanten und Giraffen im Zoo Berlin, allerdings ohne Zeichnungen).

Zeitschrift für Bauwesen. Jahrgang X, Heft X bis XII (Eine Seite über den Bau des Hauses für die..

40,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 27,  Conservation Science and Zoos.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 27, Conservation Science and Zoos.

40,00 €
EAZA Yearbook 2004.

EAZA Yearbook 2004.

40,00 €
Regional Census & Plan, 4th Edition, as at 1st January 1994.

Regional Census & Plan, 4th Edition, as at 1st January 1994.

40,00 €
Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 13.

Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 13.

40,00 €
More Zoo Ways.

More Zoo Ways.

40,00 €
Der Kölner Zoo. Begeistert Für Tiere. Mit Fotografien von Rolf Schlosser.

Der Kölner Zoo. Begeistert Für Tiere. Mit Fotografien von Rolf Schlosser.

39,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23,  Birds of Prey.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23, Birds of Prey.

36,00 €
The Modern Ark. Saving Endangered Species.

The Modern Ark. Saving Endangered Species.

35,30 €
Von Landois zum Allwetterzoo: 125 Jahre Zoo in Münster.

Von Landois zum Allwetterzoo: 125 Jahre Zoo in Münster.

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Taipei Zoo, Taiwan 31 October - 4 November 2004. The World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy - the Key to a Sustainable Future.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Taipei Zoo, Taiwan 31 October..

35,00 €
Zooführer (Zeichnung Hirsche).

Zooführer (Zeichnung Hirsche).

35,00 €
Gids (Zeichnung Tigerkopf), mit beiliegendem Lageplan.

Gids (Zeichnung Tigerkopf), mit beiliegendem Lageplan.

35,00 €
Popular Official Guide (Mufflon), 12th ed.

Popular Official Guide (Mufflon), 12th ed.

35,00 €
Zooführer (Tiger).

Zooführer (Tiger).

35,00 €
Jonas Ark - Eller  sagan om Jonas och alla haus fantastika djur!.

Jonas Ark - Eller sagan om Jonas och alla haus fantastika djur!.

35,00 €
Björnparken Grönklitt, Bearpark Grönklitt.

Björnparken Grönklitt, Bearpark Grönklitt.

35,00 €
de père en fils pour une meme passion 1961-2011 (Bioparc de Doué-La-Fontaine).

de père en fils pour une meme passion 1961-2011 (Bioparc de Doué-La-Fontaine).

35,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23,  Birds of Prey.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23, Birds of Prey.

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting. Budapest Zoo, 26-30 August 2007. Links between ex situ and in situ conservation of native species.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting. Budapest Zoo, 26 30 August 2007. Links..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting. Hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society, New York City, USA, 2-6 October 2005. Wildlife Conservation: A Global Imperative for Zoos and Aquariums.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting. Hosted by the Wildlife Conservation..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by AMACZOOA, San Jose, Costa Rica 16-20 November 2003. Cooperation between Zoos in in situ and ex situ Conservation Programmes.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by AMACZOOA, San Jose, Costa Rica..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Perth Zoo, Australia 22-25 October 2001. A Question of Balance Conservation, Marketing and Money.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Perth Zoo, Australia 22 25..

35,00 €
Popular Official Guide by W. T. Hornaday (Adler).

Popular Official Guide by W. T. Hornaday (Adler).

35,00 €
Jahresberichte 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 with an English Summary (in einem Sammelband).

Jahresberichte 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 with an English Summary (in einem Sammelband).

35,00 €
Jahresberichte 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 (1976 with an English Summary) (in einem Sammelband).

Jahresberichte 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 (1976 with an English Summary) (in einem..

35,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 9, Amphibians and Reptiles in Captivity.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 9, Amphibians and Reptiles in Captivity.

34,70 €
Apen in Apeldoorn. Ambassadeur van het Regenwoud.

Apen in Apeldoorn. Ambassadeur van het Regenwoud.

32,00 €
EEP für Orang-Utans, Zuchtbuch für Kontinental-Europa VII / 1988.

EEP für Orang-Utans, Zuchtbuch für Kontinental-Europa VII / 1988.

30,00 €
Parkführer (orange, Tiger).

Parkführer (orange, Tiger).

30,00 €
WAZA Meetings. Proceedings of the 4th International Zoo Marketing-Conference, Budapest 2003. Marketing Zoos and Conservation through Campaigns (mit CD-Rom).

WAZA Meetings. Proceedings of the 4th International Zoo Marketing Conference, Budapest 2003..

30,00 €
WAZA Meetings. Verhandlungsbericht des Amphibienkurses. Amphibien brauchen unsere Hilfe. Gemeinsam organisiert mit den Zooverbänden im deutschsprachigen Raum. Chemnitz, 27.-30. Juni 2007.

WAZA Meetings. Verhandlungsbericht des Amphibienkurses. Amphibien brauchen unsere Hilfe. Gemeinsam..

30,00 €
Zooführer (Elefant).

Zooführer (Elefant).

30,00 €
The St. Louis Zoo Album (Nyalas).

The St. Louis Zoo Album (Nyalas).

30,00 €
Guidebook (Delphin).

Guidebook (Delphin).

30,00 €
Zooführer (Eisbären).

Zooführer (Eisbären).

30,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96